Sunday, 26 June 2022

Day 7 (26th June 2022)

 Today was really quite bizarre.  I was making an unscheduled visit into Edinburgh where my husband Guy was staying with a dear old friend Lindz who used to live a couple of miles away from us in London so was a regular lunch & supper guest. Now that he's 330 miles away, we hardly ever see each other. I felt really bad about not popping in and seeing him, but I had to get my phone fixed, and then had places to be et cetera et cetera...

Big up to Mr Fix on Home Street for fixing my phone. ખુબ ખુબ આભાર 

Once I was back on the road, I headed out west towards Bo'ness and the Kinneil Estate as I wanted to see (part of) the Antonine Wall. I know it's nothing like Hadrian's Wall, but I couldn't come all this way and not have a look. To be totally honest there isn't that much to see, although it was easier to visualise than Offa's Dyke was near Chirk Castle, for example.

The Kinneil Estate was also quite odd in that the house looks much more interesting from a distance. Up close, well, there is practically nothing to it!

It was starting to rain, so I left for a drive across one of three very impressive bridges 

to stop #21


So, Burntisland. Anyone ever been here? Strange place, one of those seaside towns where the seaside isn't immediately obvious, and where the first glimpse of the town is some ugly industrial cranes and chimneys and rows of pebbledash terraced houses. I ended up parking in the Leisure Centre overflow carpark as the town carparks were full to bursting point. There was a big funfair in town, and consequently lots of unaccompanied big scarey children all over the place. This made me feel uncomfortable about getting my phone out and taking a selfie for some inexplicable reason. Burntisland really doesn't feel like the sort of town that would, for example, have a Pride weekend.

No matter, I was more than happy to make a quick getaway because next stop was my brother David and brother-in-law Marc's place near Glenrothes where I am always guaranteed a warm welcome AND I was going to rendezvous with Guy and Morgan 

I did feel a little bit guilty in asking to use their washing machine the moment I walked through the door but it's great to catch up. We had a lovely meal with Helen, Mike, Nat & Ali, and ended up getting very pleasantly drunk!


Douglas Germinal CCXXIV Brain over and out 

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