Well, that was fun! Despite a cancelled night in Bristol, the sad passing of Cold Ethyl (Deb), an argument in the mosh pit in Manchester and a bout of food-poisoning, the rest of the time was typically Sea Power epic.
First time visits to Southampton and Sheffield. Sheffield was particularly memorable as I had bought tickets for the daughter of my "Best Woman" and her boyfriend and it was their first time seeing Sea Power live. They both loved it. In Bristol I met up with an old ambulance colleague and we ended up in "The Bag of Nails" - a pub with at least 14 feline residents - which made up for the cancellation. Seriously, any cat loving fans need to check this place out when the band reschedule.
Another thing I wanted to do during this tour was spread the word about the "Germinal CCXXIV" road trip, and I think I probably spoke to at least 30 different people about it, with me in various states of drunkenness or sweaty exhaustion. I made a particular point of mentioning it to anyone wearing that T-shirt. In hindsight, I probably should have made little flyers, but hindsight is a wonderful thing and organisation has never been my strongpoint. Also, I forgot to ask manager David about that template idea!
I did my usual checking out of cathedrals, ruined abbeys and whatnot during the days, with Sheffield once again taking the prize for my favourite, partly because they opened the gift shop early especially for me to buy a guidebook, and also because they have a Black Jesus alter screen in one of the side chapels rather than the usual blond-haired, blue-eyed version.
Big shout out to the wonderful support bands "Penelope Isles" (Lily & Jack Wolter and your two band-mates whose names I can't remember - my bad) and "Pale Blue Eyes" (Lucy & Matt Board and Aubrey Simpson) who all feel like old mates now. Look forward to seeing both bands at Oslo in Hackney - just not at the same time!

The Alphard is going in for a super-service next month, and I'm also getting another Sea Power themed tattoo by the incomparable and ever-patient Manni K who has done most of the work on my arms. I'm not sure which I'm more worried about!! Talking of Sea Power tattoos, another shout out to the woman in Birmingham who let me take a photo of her arm which had a brilliant tat of the BSP EP1 cover. I might have to steal that one too, and I have just the place for it....
Finally, a hello to all the old and new friends I met during the last two weeks - in absolutely no particular order - Nanette & Lee, Paola & Van the Man, Cath & Nick, Simon, Katie, Roy, Sarita & Charlie, Nellie, Sally & Simon, Lauri, Julia & Louis, Christoph, James and Brandon who came over from Ireland, Laurie & Steve, Richard, Judith & Peter, Paul, Andrea, Kev, Becky, Rob, Joe (and Jonny, George, Bob and the rest of your gang!), Laura & Robbie, Gary & Dave, Andy, Mark, Matt and everyone else whose name I can't remember or didn't catch. Cath suggested I put a more detailed itinerary of my trip on the blog so if anyone wants to try can catch me on the way around Britain or photo-bomb my place name pics. This probably involves way more work than I'm capable of doing but watch this space ... I won't make any promises just yet.